
Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Brazil gang rampage over - May 15, 2006

Because of the tranfer of the PCC(First Capital Command, initialed in Portuguese) leaders to the maximum-security facility, a mass riot led by PCC members have shock the San Paulo city since last Friday. The primary targets of the riot are police station and uprisings in 65 of the state's 74 jails. Securuty force reported at least 81 dead, and lots of property loss.

This news reminds me of the information I've learned from the economics class - Brazil has been a country with a very large poverty gap since early 1900's. I always consider poverty as a major contributor to the criminal rate, and the growing pf PCC in Brazil seems to have proved my theory.

However, I believe that Internet could save the poor in these "rising" countries. Not financially, but intelletually. Internet open a window for the poors to the world of knowledge, and the poors finally get a better chance to raise their social statues. Ultimately, the poors would become the wealthes.

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