
Saturday, May 20, 2006


China Completes Construction of World's Largest Dam

Voice of America

The Three Goreges Dam in China was completed in May 20, 2006, which was nine months ahead of schedule. It is built for easing the energy shortage problem in coastal cities in China, and preventing the devastating flood of Yangtze River.

But some groups of enviromentalists call this project 'a mistake.' It is expected to become a cesspool of the Chang River, accumulating the pollutants from the factories and the ill-controlled constrution sites near the river. And the site of the dam is on a geological fault, which might cause land slides and even earthquakes.

The leaders of china insist on contructing dams as many as possible. There are only few rivers left without a dam in China. With the time passing, the citizens of China may finally found they can't tolerate the consequence of exchanging the environment for economy growing. Hope it will not be too late.

It's necessary for China to build dams to get enormous ecnomic benefit. Modern China just like the environment in Taiwan twenty years ago.I don't think that the leader of China did wrong decisions. Only after people can survive,they'll notice environment conservation. p.s. you can censor my words.
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